Klassenfahrt Grades 5-7

The destination of this year’s grade 5-7 Klassenfahrt was Camp Anerley, a beautiful place on the South Coast near Port Shepstone. After being randomly split into 4 groups, which they stayed in for the duration of the trip, the children were kept busy in a variety of ways that included various team dynamics assignments, orienteering, bridge building, rocket building and archery.

Unsere kleinen “Water Explorers”

14.04.2016-Today the Leoparden Class took a little excursion to the lake adjacent to the school. The children were educated on what pollution can do to the river and how this can be prevented. They were asked to find leaves, feathers, things that hop, fly, crawl and a whole host of other fun things like writing their names in the sand. For more information on the change the DSD is making to this River and the environment as whole, please click on the link below.


Muffins for Mom

13 April 2016-The Kindergarten invited all moms to enjoy some muffins as well as tea and coffee in the hall this morning. The Parents were delighted to watch their children perform some songs and dances. The intention of this morning’s activities, was to allow the Vorschule and Kindergarten parents get to know each other better. Fun was had by all.

Deutsches Sprachdiplom an der DSD

 The DSD at the DSD

As most of you are aware the Deutsche Schule Durban organised the exams for the ‘Deutsche Sprachdiplom I’ (DSD I) for the first time last year. We are very proud to announce that all our learners passed the exam on the B1 level!

Last Monday we had a small ceremony to hand out the certificates and to express our admiration for the effort put into the German classes by our learners and their parents. Every Monday evening High School students (mostly DSD alumni) gather at the DSD to continue German SAL as an extra subject up to matric.

Starting from this year, the grade 8 learners will always write the exams for the DSD I and the grade 11s will write the exams for the DSD II. The ‘Deutsche Sprachdiplom’ (or German Language Certificate) is an official proof of German language proficiency, is organised and recognised by the Federal Republic of Germany and is extremely valuable for our learners for future studies, scholarship and job applications in a German speaking country as well as in South Africa.