At the Deutsche Schule Durban, we understand that we are a relatively privileged school, and we believe that it is our duty to give back to our surrounding communities through a variety of different projects.
Bread Buddies
This programme involves the Grade 1-7 pupils at the DSD taking turns to provide the “ingredients” to make sandwiches which are taken to a local pre-school, where there are pupils from poverty-stricken and child-headed households. Each week a chosen class’ learners are asked to bring a loaf of sliced bread to school, and if possible also a tub of margarine, a jar of peanut butter or fruit jam. The children in the class concerned then proceed to make the sandwiches during the course of the day.
No Shoe Day
Children who wish to donate a pair of (good) shoes that they no longer need or have grown out of, may come to school barefoot for the day, and bring along a pair of shoes to donate.
The LEARN Programme (Let’s Educate A Rainbow Nation)
The Learn Project is a non-profit trust that reaches out to South African schools and children in need.
Their goal is to equip these schools with reading books and to create sustainable libraries and classroom book corners. The learners and families of the DSD donate good condition, pre-loved children’s books, which are placed into a collection box and are collected by the LEARN Project after a certain time.
Coastal Clean-ups
The DSD and its community support a variety of beach clean-ups that happen throughout the year. In some instances classes use these opportunities to go on class-outings during the week, while others involve the whole community gathering at an allocated beach on a weekend day.
The school community is urged to make at least one Ecobrick (plastic-filled 2l coke/ sprite etc. bottles) that are then handed over to great initiatives, such as the 1st Cowies Hill Cubs/ Scouts Group , who collect them to build a vegetable garden at the Ethelbert Children’s Home.
Ukukhanya Primary School
As part of our growing social responsibility programme, we have started a learning exchange programme with the Ukukhanye Kweyama Primary School in Chesterville. Our Grade 5 and 6 children spend an hour or so at the school every second Friday to assist their Grade 4 pupils with basic Maths, and to receive some Zulu lessons from their pupils in return.