First School Day-Postponed

Dear parents
Given the rise in Covid cases and the return to Lockdown Level 3, there is much uncertainty and speculation on when schools should reopen. Most independent schools are scheduled to reopen a week later than the DSD, and the most recent communication from ISASA (Independent School’s Association of Southern Africa) recommends that schools planning to open next week should delay doing so by at least a week. This is in line with the advice that we have received from numerous medical practitioners, including a paediatric specialist.
Our intention is thus to reopen the school a week later than scheduled, with lessons to start on Tuesday 19 January, subject to further developments between now and then. We will advise more details asap!
Please note that the uniform shop will thus NOT be open this Friday as initially communicated!
Thank you for your understanding. These are very tricky times and we need to manage our activities carefully.
PLEASE ensure that your children are as close to being quarantined as possible for the next while before school starts. All the health care professionals that we were in contact with stressed the importance of mask wearing, social distancing and hand washing, as well as to stay at home as much as possible. Their advice (instruction!) is to keep your “‘bubble of interaction” as small as possible and to refrain from play dates and visits with friends and family. If unavoidable then please wear masks, even if with family ?
We will provide you with more updates as soon as possible. Please stay safe, apologies for any inconvenience and enjoy the extra week with your children.
Kind regards
Peter Deppe